

NetBSD / Arimaddilo-IoT G3 (2)

NetBSD をどこからブートさせようかと考えて USB にメモリを刺してみた

=> usb start
(Re)start USB...
USB0:   USB EHCI 1.00
scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
USB1:   MXC USB port 1 not yet supported
MXC USB port 1 not yet supported
scanning bus 1 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
       scanning usb for ethernet devices... 0 Ethernet Device(s) found

USB 使おうと思ったけどどうやらサポートしていないようだ、残念
やっぱり SD カードかな

=> fatload mmc 0 81000000 netbsd.ub
reading netbsd.ub
5139336 bytes read in 235 ms (20.9 MiB/s)
=> bootm 81000000
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 81000000 ...
   Image Name:   NetBSD/ 7.99.28
   Image Type:   ARM NetBSD Kernel Image (uncompressed)
   Data Size:    5139272 Bytes = 4.9 MiB
   Load Address: 80008000
   Entry Point:  80008000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Loading Kernel Image ... OK
ERROR: booting os 'NetBSD' (2) is not supported

NetBSD のブート早く対応してくれ!!

=> go 80008000
## Starting application at 0x80008000 ...

jump to start()

uboot arg = 0x1, 0x9df8024c, 0x9df8024c, 0x80008000

NetBSD/evbarm (armadillo_iot_g3, digprog=0x00720011) booting ...
initarm: Configuring system (2 cpus, hatched 0x2), CLIDR=1210000043 CTR=0x84448003
arm32_bootmem_init: memstart=0x80000000, memsize=0x10000000, kernelstart=0x80008000
arm32_bootmem_init: kernelend=0x8051a000
arm32_bootmem_init: adding 32115 free pages: [0x8051a000..0x8fffffff] (VA 0x8051a000)
arm32_bootmem_init: adding 4 free pages: [0x80000000..0x80007fff] (VA 0x80000000)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: 1 L2 pages are needed to map 0x556000 kernel bytes
arm32_kernel_vm_init: allocating page tables for kerneladd_pages: adding pv 0x804ef294 (pa 0x8051a000, va 0x8051a000, 1 pages) at tail
 vmadd_pages: appending pv 0x804f0350 (0x8051c000..0x8051ffff) to 0x8051a000..0x8051bfff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804ef554 (0x80520000..0x80521fff) to 0x8051a000..0x8051ffff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804ef568 (0x80522000..0x80523fff) to 0x8051a000..0x80521fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804ef57c (0x80524000..0x80525fff) to 0x8051a000..0x80523fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804ef590 (0x80526000..0x80527fff) to 0x8051a000..0x80525fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804ef5a4 (0x80528000..0x80529fff) to 0x8051a000..0x80527fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804ef5b8 (0x8052a000..0x8052bfff) to 0x8051a000..0x80529fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804ef5cc (0x8052c000..0x8052dfff) to 0x8051a000..0x8052bfff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804ef5e0 (0x8052e000..0x8052ffff) to 0x8051a000..0x8052dfff
arm32_kernel_vm_init: allocating stacks
add_pages: appending pv 0x804efa9c (0x80530000..0x80533fff) to 0x8051a000..0x8052ffff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804efa88 (0x80534000..0x80537fff) to 0x8051a000..0x80533fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804efa74 (0x80538000..0x8053bfff) to 0x8051a000..0x80537fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804efa60 (0x8053c000..0x8053ffff) to 0x8051a000..0x8053bfff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804efa48 (0x80540000..0x80543fff) to 0x8051a000..0x8053ffff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804efab0 (0x80544000..0x80545fff) to 0x8051a000..0x80543fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x804ef2d8 (0x80546000..0x80549fff) to 0x8051a000..0x80545fff
Creating L1 page table at 0x8051c000
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x8051a000, PA 0x8051a000) for VA 0x80000000 (kernel)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x80520000, PA 0x80520000) for VA 0xc0000000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x80522000, PA 0x80522000) for VA 0xc0800000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x80524000, PA 0x80524000) for VA 0xc1000000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x80526000, PA 0x80526000) for VA 0xc1800000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x80528000, PA 0x80528000) for VA 0xc2000000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x8052a000, PA 0x8052a000) for VA 0xc2800000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x8052c000, PA 0x8052c000) for VA 0xc3000000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x8052e000, PA 0x8052e000) for VA 0xc3800000 (vm)
Mapping kernel
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding chunk for kernel text 0x80008000..0x803dffff (VA 0x80008000)
add_pages: adding pv 0x804ef280 (pa 0x80008000, va 0x80008000, 492 pages) before pa 0x8051a000
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding chunk for kernel data/bss 0x803e0000..0x80519fff (VA 0x803e0000)
add_pages: adding pv 0x804ef26c (pa 0x803e0000, va 0x803e0000, 157 pages) before pa 0x8051a000
Listing Chunks
arm32_kernel_vm_init: pv 0x804ef280: chunk VA 0x80008000..0x803dffff (PA 0x80008000, prot 7, cache 1)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: pv 0x804ef26c: chunk VA 0x803e0000..0x80519fff (PA 0x803e0000, prot 3, cache 1)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: pv 0x804ef294: chunk VA 0x8051a000..0x80549fff (PA 0x8051a000, prot 3, cache 1)

Mapping Chunks
arm32_kernel_vm_init: mapping chunk VA 0x80000000..0x80007fff (PA 0x80000000, prot 3, cache 1)
pmap_map_chunk: pa=0x80000000 va=0x80000000 size=0x8000 resid=0x8000 prot=0x3 cache=1
arm32_kernel_vm_init: mapping chunk VA 0x80008000..0x803dffff (PA 0x80008000, prot 7, cache 1)
pmap_map_chunk: pa=0x80008000 va=0x80008000 size=0x3d8000 resid=0x3d8000 prot=0x7 cache=1
arm32_kernel_vm_init: mapping last chunk VA 0x803e0000..0x8fffffff (PA 0x803e0000, prot 3, cache 1)
pmap_map_chunk: pa=0x803e0000 va=0x803e0000 size=0xfc20000 resid=0xfc20000 prot=0x3 cache=1
devmap: 30000000 -> 30bfffff @ ff000000
pmap_map_chunk: pa=0x30000000 va=0xff000000 size=0xc00000 resid=0xc00000 prot=0x3 cache=0
devmap: 31000000 -> 313fffff @ ffc00000
pmap_map_chunk: pa=0x31000000 va=0xffc00000 size=0x400000 resid=0x400000 prot=0x3 cache=0
                             Physical              Virtual        Num
                       Starting    Ending    Starting    Ending   Pages
               SDRAM: 0x80000000 0x8fffffff 0x80000000 0x8fffffff 32768
        text section: 0x80008000 0x803dffff 0x80008000 0x803dffff 492
        data section: 0x80440000 0x804eeb48 0x80440000 0x804eeb48 88
         bss section: 0x804eeb48 0x80519af0 0x804eeb48 0x80519af0 22
   L1 page directory: 0x8051c000 0x8051ffff 0x8051c000 0x8051ffff 2
   ABT stack (CPU 0): 0x80530000 0x80531fff 0x80530000 0x80531fff 1
   FIQ stack (CPU 0): 0x80534000 0x80535fff 0x80534000 0x80535fff 1
   IRQ stack (CPU 0): 0x80538000 0x80539fff 0x80538000 0x80539fff 1
   UND stack (CPU 0): 0x8053c000 0x8053dfff 0x8053c000 0x8053dfff 1
  IDLE stack (CPU 0): 0x80540000 0x80541fff 0x80540000 0x80541fff 1
           SVC stack: 0x80544000 0x80545fff 0x80544000 0x80545fff 1
      Message Buffer: 0x80546000 0x80549fff 0x80546000 0x80549fff 2
         Free Memory: 0x8054a000 0x8fffffff                       32091
         Free Memory: 0x80000000 0x80007fff                       4
TTBR0=0x8fffc05b TTBR1=0x8fffc05b TTBCR=0x1 CONTEXTIDR=0
switching to new L1 page table @0x8051c000... ttb (TTBCR=0x11 TTBR0=0x8051c05b TTBR1=0x8051c05b) hatchlingscpu_boot_secondary_processors: writing mbox with 0x2
nfreeblocks = 2, free_pages = 32095 (0x7d5f)
bootstrap done.
vectors vbar=0x8001dac0 0x8001dac0
init subsystems: stacks vectors undefined page pmap_physload pmap kpm tlb0 kcpusets locks l1pt cache(l1pt) specials pools [ Kernel symbol table missing! ]
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
    2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 7.99.28 (ARMADILLO-IOT-G3) #0: Thu Apr 28 02:17:22 UTC 2016
total memory = 256 MB
avail memory = 248 MB
sysctl_createv: sysctl_create(machine_arch) returned 17
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0 core 0: 792 MHz Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB disabled EABT branch prediction enabled
cpu0: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
cpu0: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
cpu0: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
vfp0 at cpu0: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
cpu1 at mainbus0 core 1
armperiph0 at mainbus0
armgic0 at armperiph0: Generic Interrupt Controller, 160 sources (151 valid)
armgic0: 32 Priorities, 128 SPIs, 7 PPIs, 16 SGIs
armgtmr0 at armperiph0: ARMv7 Generic 64-bit Timer (8000 kHz)
armgtmr0: interrupting on irq 27
axi0 at mainbus0: Advanced eXtensible Interface
imxccm0 at axi0 addr 0x30380000: Clock Control Module
imxocotp0 at axi0 addr 0x30350000: On-Chip OTP Controller
imxocotp0: OCOTP_VERSION 5.0.0
imxgpio0 at axi0 addr 0x30260000 intr 96 irqbase 256: interrupts 256..287
imxgpio1 at axi0 addr 0x30250000 intr 98 irqbase 288: interrupts 288..319
imxgpio2 at axi0 addr 0x30240000 intr 100 irqbase 320: interrupts 320..351
imxgpio3 at axi0 addr 0x30230000 intr 102 irqbase 352: interrupts 352..383
imxgpio4 at axi0 addr 0x30220000 intr 104 irqbase 384: interrupts 384..415
imxgpio5 at axi0 addr 0x30210000 intr 106 irqbase 416: interrupts 416..447
imxgpio6 at axi0 addr 0x30200000 intr 108 irqbase 448: interrupts 448..479
imxiomux0 at axi0 addr 0x30330000: IOMUX Controller
imxuart4 at axi0 addr 0x30a70000 intr 62
imxuart4: console
sdhc1 at axi0 addr 0x30b50000 intr 55: Ultra Secured Digial Host Controller
sdhc1: SDHC 3.0, rev 0, 32-bit ADMA2, 180000 kHz, HS SDR50 DDR50 1.8V 3.0V 3.3V, re-tuning mode 1, 4096 byte blocks
sdmmc0 at sdhc1 slot 0
imxwdog0 at axi0 addr 0x30280000 intr 110: i.MX Watchdog Timer, default period is 10 seconds
imxwdog1 at axi0 addr 0x30290000 intr 111: i.MX Watchdog Timer, default period is 10 seconds
imxwdog2 at axi0 addr 0x302a0000 intr 42: i.MX Watchdog Timer, default period is 10 seconds
imxwdog3 at axi0 addr 0x302b0000 intr 141: i.MX Watchdog Timer, default period is 10 seconds
enet1 at axi0 addr 0x30bf0000 intr 132: Gigabit Ethernet Controller
enet1: Ethernet address 00:11:0c:1b:80:3b
ukphy0 at enet1 phy 0: OUI 0x008083, model 0x0013, rev. 1
ukphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
imxsnvs0 at axi0 addr 0x30370000: Secure Non-Volatile Storage
cpu_boot_secondary_processors: writing mbox with 0x2
cpu_hatch(cpu1):  vectors vbar=0x8001dac0 stacks tlbcpu1: 792 MHz Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
cpu1: DC enabled IC enabled WB disabled EABT branch prediction enabled
cpu1: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
cpu1: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
cpu1: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
 vfpvfp1 at cpu1: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
 interrupts md(0x8000d260) done!
gpio0 at imxgpio0: 32 pins
gpio1 at imxgpio1: 32 pins
gpio2 at imxgpio2: 32 pins
gpio3 at imxgpio3: 32 pins
gpio4 at imxgpio4: 32 pins
gpio5 at imxgpio5: 32 pins
gpio6 at imxgpio6: 32 pins
boot device: 
root device:

0 件のコメント:
