

NetBSD / Parallella 1

「カードサイズのスパコン!!」と巷で話題のZynq を搭載した Parallella を入手しましたのでさっそくこれに NetBSD を載せたいと思います
Zynq は以前 Zedboard に載せようとして挫折した経緯がありますのでさくっとブートまではできると確信しております

U-Boot 2012.10-00003-g792c31c (Jan 03 2014 - 12:24:08)

I2C:   ready
DRAM:  992 MiB
WARNING: Caches not enabled
SF: Detected N25Q128 with page size 64 KiB, total 16 MiB
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   zynq_gem
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
Configuring PL and Booting Linux...
Device: SDHCI
Manufacturer ID: 27
OEM: 5048
Name: SD08G
Tran Speed: 50000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 2.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 7.4 GiB
Bus Width: 4-bit
reading parallella.bit.bin

2083744 bytes read
reading uImage

** Unable to read "uImage" from mmc 0:1 **
reading devicetree.dtb

8607 bytes read
Wrong Image Format for bootm command
ERROR: can't get kernel image!
zynq-uboot> mmcinfo;fatload mmc 0 0x00800000 netbsd.gz.ub;bootm 0x00800000
Device: SDHCI
Manufacturer ID: 27
OEM: 5048
Name: SD08G
Tran Speed: 50000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 2.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 7.4 GiB
Bus Width: 4-bit
reading netbsd.gz.ub

2389168 bytes read
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 00800000 ...
   Image Name:   NetBSD/zedboard 7.99.2
   Image Type:   ARM NetBSD Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
   Data Size:    2389104 Bytes = 2.3 MiB
   Load Address: 10100000
   Entry Point:  10100000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
ERROR: booting os 'NetBSD' (2) is not supported

どうやら u-boot が NetBSD の ブートに対応していないようです。
そのうち u-boot のコンパイルをやろうと思いますがここはとりあえずおいといて次に進みます

zynq-uboot> go 0x10100000
## Starting application at 0x10100000 ...
jump to start()

uboot arg = 0x1, 0x3db56174, 0x3db56174, 0x10100000

NetBSD/evbarm (EVBARM_BOARDTYPE) booting ...
arm32_bootmem_init: memstart=0x10000000, memsize=0x20000000, kernelstart=0x10100000
arm32_bootmem_init: kernelend=0x105ec000
arm32_bootmem_init: adding 64778 free pages: [0x105ec000..0x2fffffff] (VA 0x805ec000)
arm32_bootmem_init: adding 128 free pages: [0x10000000..0x100fffff] (VA 0x80000000)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: 0 L2 pages are needed to map 0x61e000 kernel bytes
arm32_kernel_vm_init: allocating page tables for kernel
add_pages: adding pv 0x805c4898 (pa 0x105ec000, va 0x805ec000, 2 pages) at tail
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4a58 (0x105f0000..0x105f1fff) to 0x105ec000..0x105effff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4a6c (0x105f2000..0x105f3fff) to 0x105ec000..0x105f1fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4a80 (0x105f4000..0x105f5fff) to 0x105ec000..0x105f3fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4a94 (0x105f6000..0x105f7fff) to 0x105ec000..0x105f5fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4aa8 (0x105f8000..0x105f9fff) to 0x105ec000..0x105f7fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4abc (0x105fa000..0x105fbfff) to 0x105ec000..0x105f9fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4ad0 (0x105fc000..0x105fdfff) to 0x105ec000..0x105fbfff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4ae4 (0x105fe000..0x105fffff) to 0x105ec000..0x105fdfff
arm32_kernel_vm_init: allocating stacks
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4da0 (0x10600000..0x10601fff) to 0x105ec000..0x105fffff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4d8c (0x10602000..0x10603fff) to 0x105ec000..0x10601fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4d78 (0x10604000..0x10605fff) to 0x105ec000..0x10603fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4d64 (0x10606000..0x10607fff) to 0x105ec000..0x10605fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4d4c (0x10608000..0x10609fff) to 0x105ec000..0x10607fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4db4 (0x1060a000..0x1060bfff) to 0x105ec000..0x10609fff
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c48d8 (0x1060c000..0x1060ffff) to 0x105ec000..0x1060bfff
Creating L1 page table at 0x105ec000
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x805f0000, PA 0x105f0000) for VA 0xc0000000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x805f2000, PA 0x105f2000) for VA 0xc0800000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x805f4000, PA 0x105f4000) for VA 0xc1000000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x805f6000, PA 0x105f6000) for VA 0xc1800000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x805f8000, PA 0x105f8000) for VA 0xc2000000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x805fa000, PA 0x105fa000) for VA 0xc2800000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x805fc000, PA 0x105fc000) for VA 0xc3000000 (vm)
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding L2 pt (VA 0x805fe000, PA 0x105fe000) for VA 0xc3800000 (vm)
Mapping kernel
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding chunk for kernel text 0x10100000..0x10589fff (VA 0x80100000)
add_pages: adding pv 0x805c4884 (pa 0x10100000, va 0x80100000, 581 pages) before pa 0x105ec000
arm32_kernel_vm_init: adding chunk for kernel data/bss 0x1058a000..0x105ebfff (VA 0x8058a000)
add_pages: appending pv 0x805c4900 (0x1058a000..0x105ebfff) to 0x10100000..0x10589fff
add_pages: merging pv 0x805c4898 (0x105ec000..0x1060ffff) to 0x10100000..0x105ebfff
Listing Chunks
arm32_kernel_vm_init: pv 0x805c4884: chunk VA 0x80100000..0x8060ffff (PA 0x10100000, prot 3, cache 1)

Mapping Chunks
arm32_kernel_vm_init: mapping last chunk VA 0x80000000..0x9fffffff (PA 0x10000000, prot 3, cache 1)
pmap_map_chunk: pa=0x10000000 va=0x80000000 size=0x20000000 resid=0x20000000 prot=0x3 cache=1
devmap: e0000000 -> e01fffff @ ff000000
pmap_map_chunk: pa=0xe0000000 va=0xff000000 size=0x200000 resid=0x200000 prot=0x3 cache=0
devmap: f8f00000 -> f8ffffff @ ff200000
pmap_map_chunk: pa=0xf8f00000 va=0xff200000 size=0x100000 resid=0x100000 prot=0x3 cache=0
                             Physical              Virtual        Num
                       Starting    Ending    Starting    Ending   Pages
               SDRAM: 0x10000000 0x2fffffff 0x80000000 0x9fffffff 65536
        text section: 0x10100000 0x10589fff 0x80100000 0x80589fff 581
        data section: 0x10590000 0x105c4180 0x80590000 0x805c4180 27
         bss section: 0x105c4180 0x105ebe78 0x805c4180 0x805ebe78 20
   L1 page directory: 0x105ec000 0x105effff 0x805ec000 0x805effff 2
   ABT stack (CPU 0): 0x10600000 0x10601fff 0x80600000 0x80601fff 1
   FIQ stack (CPU 0): 0x10602000 0x10603fff 0x80602000 0x80603fff 1
   IRQ stack (CPU 0): 0x10604000 0x10605fff 0x80604000 0x80605fff 1
   UND stack (CPU 0): 0x10606000 0x10607fff 0x80606000 0x80607fff 1
  IDLE stack (CPU 0): 0x10608000 0x10609fff 0x80608000 0x80609fff 1
           SVC stack: 0x1060a000 0x1060bfff 0x8060a000 0x8060bfff 1
      Message Buffer: 0x1060c000 0x1060ffff 0x8060c000 0x8060ffff 2
         Free Memory: 0x10610000 0x2fffffff                       64760
         Free Memory: 0x10000000 0x100fffff                       128
TTBR0=0x1fffc05b TTBR1=0x1fffc05b TTBCR=0x1 CONTEXTIDR=0
switching to new L1 page table @0x105ec000... ttb (TTBCR=0x11 TTBR0=0x105ec05b TTBR1=0x105ec05b) OK
nfreeblocks = 2, free_pages = 64888 (0xfd78)
bootstrap done.
vectors vbar=0x80443aa0 0x80443aa0
init subsystems: stacks vectors undefined page pmap_physload pmap kpm tlb0 locks l1pt cache(l1pt) specials pools [ Kernel symbol table missing! ]
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
    2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 7.99.2 (ZEDBOARD) #5: Mon Dec  8 03:59:23 UTC 2014

total memory = 512 MB
avail memory = 501 MB
sysctl_createv: sysctl_create(machine_arch) returned 17
timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0 core 0: 1333 MHz Cortex-A9 r4p0 (Cortex V7A core)
cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB disabled EABT branch prediction enabled
cpu0: isar: [0]=0x101111 [1]=0x13112111 [2]=0x21232041 [3]=0x11112131, [4]=0x11142, [5]=0
cpu0: mmfr: [0]=0x100103 [1]=0x20000000 [2]=0x1230000 [3]=0x102111
cpu0: pfr: [0]=0x1231 [1]=0x11
cpu0: 32KB/32B 4-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
cpu0: 32KB/32B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
cpu0: 512KB/32B 8-way write-back-locking-D L2 PIPT Unified cache
vfp0 at cpu0: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
vfp0: mvfr: [0]=0x10110222 [1]=0x1111111
armperiph0 at mainbus0
arml2cc0 at armperiph0: ARM PL310 r3p2 L2 Cache Controller (disabled)
arml2cc0: cache enabled
armgic0 at armperiph0: Generic Interrupt Controller, 96 sources (85 valid)
armgic0: 32 Priorities, 64 SPIs, 5 PPIs, 16 SGIs
a9tmr0 at armperiph0: A9 Global 64-bit Timer (666 MHz)
a9tmr0: interrupting on irq 27
axi0 at mainbus0: Advanced eXtensible Interface
zynqslcr0 at axi0 addr 0xf8000000: System Level Control Module
REF      :   33 MHz
ARM_PLL  : 1333 MHz
DDR_PLL  : 1600 MHz
IO_PLL   : 1000 MHz
CPU_6X4X :  667 MHz
CPU_3X2X :  333 MHz
CPU_2X   :  222 MHz
CPU_1X   :  111 MHz
DDR_3X   :  400 MHz
DDR_2X   :  267 MHz
DDR_DCI  :   10 MHz
SMC      :   17 MHz
QSPI     :  143 MHz
GIGE0    :  125 MHz
GIGE1    :   17 MHz
SDIO     :   50 MHz
UART     :   50 MHz
SPI      :   16 MHz
CAN      :    8 MHz
PCAP     :  200 MHz
DBG      :   67 MHz
FCLK0    :  100 MHz
FCLK1    :  200 MHz
FCLK2    :  200 MHz
FCLK3    :   40 MHz
ehci0 at axi0 addr 0xe0002000 intr 53
ehci0: Zynq USB Controller id=5 revision=2 version=2
ehci0: HCI revision=0x100
ehci0: 1 host port, device capable, 12 endpoints
ehci0: ulpi_wait: timeout
ehci0: ulpi_wait: timeout
ehci0: ulpi_wait: timeout
ehci0: ulpi_wait: timeout
ehci0: ULPI phy VID 0x0000 PID 0x0000
ehci0: ulpi_wait: timeout
ehci0: ulpi_wait: timeout
ehci0: ulpi_wait: timeout
ehci0: ulpi_wait: timeout
ehci0: ulpi_wait: timeout
ehci0: EHCI version 1.0
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
sdhc0 at axi0 addr 0xe0100000 intr 56: SD/MMC host controller
sdhc0: SD Host Specification 1.0, rev.0
sdhc0: software reset reg=00000001
sdhc0: base clock frequency 33 MHz
sdhc0: max block length 512 bytes
sdmmc0 at sdhc0 slot 0
zynquart0 at axi0 addr 0xe0000000 intr 59
timecounter: Timecounter "clockinterrupt" frequency 100 Hz quality 0
timecounter: Timecounter "a9tmr0" frequency 666666666 Hz quality 500
WARNING: module error: can't find builtin dependency `iic'
WARNING: module error: can't find builtin dependency `au8522'
WARNING: module error: can't find builtin dependency `iic'
WARNING: module error: can't find builtin dependency `iic'
WARNING: module error: can't find builtin dependency `iic'
WARNING: module error: can't find builtin dependency `iic'
uhub0 at usb0: Xilinx EHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
boot device: 
root device:

ZEDBOARD のままだからか USB Host の ulpi がエラーになっており USB Host が使えてません
ZEDBOARD では使えてたんだけどなぁ

あと、RAM のアドレスが 0 番地からアサインされているのですが、 0 番地を使おうとすると固まります
なので今は RAM を 0x10000000 番地から使っていますので 256MB 無駄にしていることになります (0x10000000 は適当)
その影響で RAM Size が 512MB になっていますが本当は 1GB あります

SDHC はなんか認識してますが、動くか確認していません

まずは USB を使えるようにして SMP 対応したあたりでコミットしたいと思います Zedboard と Parallella がターゲット

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